
Think Win-Win: A transformative mindset to advance successful projects

Without the right mindset, stakeholder engagement doesn’t work... Experienced project developers know that at the outset, project development is somewhat like an iceberg. A lot of the information we need is very much hidden under water. And the bit in sight at the top can often be misleading and therefor unstable. A strong foundation, which includes a Social Licence, needs to be built.

Confronting the risk of turning trust on its head

I have had a lecture in trust recently from a group of near-neighbours to an energy project. They knew I believed in both the project and the need to earn a Social Licence to operate. The project needed to be designed as a win-win for both the developer and the local community. We had built a decent level of trust together. But after a period away, the community used the term “trust” in a very different context...