Smart Engagement enables innovations that status quo or going with the flow can no longer achieve: it joins individual efforts into a powerful force that creates projects wanted by all.
We successfully rolled it out in over 20 projects in 10 countries, in a wide range of sectors, organisations and environments: complex natural resource projects, in conflict or low-trust zones, in challenging infrastructure and energy projects, in team and business development and in support of UN agencies.
Loop Head Together: three communities co-create their future through Smart Engagement

Carrigaholt, Kilballyowen and Kilkee development associations, Ireland (2020-2021)
Earning local support for wind energy projects in Ireland

Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), Ireland (2020)
Mining opposition contained through Smart Engagement

Carpathian Gold, Canada for their business in Romania (2008 - 2010)
Local tourism industry developed through Smart Engagement

Commercialisation of Loop Head Tourism (LHT), Ireland (2018 - 2020)
Company successfully out-sources its community relations to 10 Community-Based Organisations

OMV, Vienna, Austria for their business in Romania (2007 - 2014)
Working towards a sustainable education model through Smart Engagement

A private school, Ireland (2020)
Social unrest avoided through robust communication

OMV, Vienna, Austria for Doljchim Romania (2010 - 2013)
Communities get ready for the energy (r)evolution

Loop Head Energy Action Partnership (LEAP), Ireland (2019 - ongoing)
Wind power recovers from initial local opposition

Continental Wind, UK for its Romanian business (2010)
Supporting world-wide best practice in responsible business

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2019-ongoing)
Using imported gas to create local wealth

OMV, Vienna, Austria for their Gas to Power business in Turkey (2011)
Hotelier’s team builds clarity on way forward in sustainable tourism development

Armada Hotel, Spanish Point, Ireland (2017 - 2018)
A CSR Strategy created through Smart Engagement

OMV, Vienna, Austria for their business in Yemen (2009)
Smart Engagement capacity developed for wind energy development projects

Coillte, Innogy, Brookfield, Ireland (2017 - 2018)
MBA and other post-graduate programmes include Smart Engagement

Applied Science University, Vienna, Austria (2009 - ongoing)
Wind farm project with refused planning redesigned and permitted

Enerco Energy, Ireland (2016 - 2017)
Tourism company uses Smart Engagement to prepare its team for next stage of growth

Killruddery Estate Enterprise ltd, Ireland (2016 - 2017)
Oil and gas company extends Smart Engagement into its operations in 22 countries

OMV, Vienna, Austria for their in-country and global business (2009-2014)
Mining investment company explores Constructive Mining

Ortac Resources (now Arc Minerals), UK for their Slovak business (2010 - 2013)